Located in the Kagan Community Center in Katamon Tet, KLASS is open 5 afternoons a week, 11 months of the year.

KLASS caters every year to some 100 pupils who come from once to five times a week. About half are of elementary school age, the remainder being middle and high school students.

In addition to help with homework, over 70 hours of individual tutoring are given each week in English, mathematics and Hebrew language/reading comprehension. To encourage commitment and perseverance, students receiving private lessons pay a small amount on a sliding scale of ILS 12.50 – 50.00 per lesson, in accordance with the family’s financial circumstances.

Last year all the elementary school students and 24 of the older ones took advantage of these private lessons during the year. Some 81% of the lessons are given to children from families who made aliya from Ethiopia. All of these pay the minimum fee, others are required to bring documentation from the welfare services to help determine a suitable fee and in the last school year only five students paid the full ILS 50. 

In addition to the instruction we provide, we try to help KLASS students attend other local classes to develop skills such as painting, music and dance.