Members of the Kagan Foundation Executive Board:

Sarah Meron (Chairperson)
Dr. Sarah Meron was born in England to a Zionist family and moved to Israel in 1965, since when she has lived in Jerusalem. Her children live in Israel, in and around Tel Aviv. Her Ph.D. is in linguistics.
“I have been involved in volunteer activities since my childhood. I became involved in Keren Kagan through my friendship with Dr. Helena Kagan and with Dvora Bar-Zemer, long-time chairman of Keren Kagan. I have always been very interested in all aspects of education. I have taught brilliant university students and also (after training at the Feuerstein Institute) children with learning difficulties, and for a period of years from 1998 I taught at KLASS. I became chairman of Keren Kagan after serving in that capacity in various other organizations, and after 4 years as a board member. My aim is to ensure that the organization is on a firm footing and to hand over to a younger generation, so that as long as there is the need KLASS, which was founded in 1968, will continue to give schoolchildren the extra support essential to their success.”

Ahuva Beatus
Now retired from the Ministry of Finance, Ahuva volunteers in various organizations. She began volunteering at KLASS in 2006. “I started teaching the young children and I fell in love with them right away. My contact with them gives me great pleasure. Some of them are now in high school and it is wonderful to see them growing up and getting smarter. I think it is noteworthy that that the children continue coming to KLASS and appreciate what they get here and show their gratitude to the teachers and the whole enterprise.”

Judith Bar Zemer
Born in Jerusalem, Judith has been running KLASS since the mid-80s. “ I enjoy seeing our students succeed. I am carrying on the work of Dr. Kagan, who, as a pediatrician, believed in prevention in all areas of life. She believed in the importance of preventing children from dropping out of school, because afterwards it is so much harder to get them back onto a normative path.”

Tami Neuman

Shosh Ornstein

Micaela Ziv
An independent pedagogical consultant, after three decades as a teacher, coordinator and teacher counselor, Micaela is in charge of pedagogy and professional development at KLASS. “If I lived in Jerusalem, I would, no doubt volunteer at KLASS. As it is, I am happy to come and give workshops to share my experience with the teachers.”

Audit Committee:

Haya Bartov
Haya is retired, after 25 years in the Jerusalem Municipality, where she was in charge of administrative oversight in the office of the city’s ombudsman. “Since I retired from the Municipality in 2010, I have been volunteering for Keren Kagan. First of all, helping the children at KLASS, and also as a member of the Association’s Audit Committee.

Jonathan Kornbluth